Save our NHS Data

Hancock Palantir composite image
PA Images (Matt Hancock) – all rights reserved; Cory Doctorow (Palantir), CC -

UPDATE: We won.

In early 2021 we started a crowd-funder campaign.

We are pleased to announce that together we’ve won! At last, officials have admitted that we the public have a right to a say in long-term deals between the NHS and US tech firms like Palantir. You can read more about our victory today here.

The government have agreed that they won’t extend Palantir’s NHS role beyond Covid without stopping to consider our rights. This is a major step and we couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you to each and every one of you for donating to this case. All donations received to date will be split between Foxglove and openDemocracy so that we can continue to hold the government to account.

This is an important victory, but there is still a lot more work to do and we hope you want to be a part of it.

Please sign up to hear about future cases and campaigns from openDemocracy and Foxglove.

Thank you.

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